
Academic Calendar

Image from outside the Academic Center

Key Dates for the 2024-25 Calendar Year

Download the 2024-25 Academic Calendar for Undergraduate, Graduate & Pharmacy Programs.


6January Classes Begin
6-8Change of Course Days (Add/Drop via Self-Service) 
 8Last day to convert January course to Honors
15 Last day to drop a course with a W grade or change to P/NP
20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day - no classes 
27 January Classes End
29Grades Due at 5 PM
31January grades available on Spartan Self-Service 


3Spring classes begin
3-7 Change of Course Days (Add/Drop via Self-Service)
14Class Roster Verification Due
21Week 3 Academic Progress Reporting Due
28Last day to convert Spring course to Honors
 Online Registration for Summer 2025, 2025-2026 Academic Year opens
7Last day to drop a 1st half course with a W grade or change to P/NP 
21End of first half-semester classes
Deadline for Fall/January Incomplete/Not-Recorded grades
24-28Spring Break
classes dismiss March 21 at 6 p.m.
classes resume March 31 at 8 a.m.
31Beginning of second half-semester classes 
17Last day to drop full term course with a W grade or change to P/NP
18Good Friday Holiday
classes dismiss 6 p.m. April 17
classes resume 8 a.m.  April 21 
2Last day to drop 2nd half course with a W grade or change to P/NP
16Classes End 
19Undergraduate Reading Day - no classes, no exams
20-23 Final Examinations
24Commencement ceremonies 
27DPT Orientation
Grades Due at 5 PM
28Classes Begin for Manchester University's Doctor of Physical Therapy Program. 
30Spring grades available on Spartan Self-Service 

Contact Information

Chinworth Center
First Floor: Student Life Suite (104)

Office hours:
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Phone: 260-982-5234
Fax: 260-982-5451

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